
Hi again fans! Sorry I haven't been on In a while, I've been busy modeling dog outfits. 😁 So, what's been up with my fans? I have a new comments page! You can tell me! 

On my instagram use #ham, and #treasure!    Well, that's the latest from me! Tune in frequently to catch up on more of my daily life! Also, if you're worried you'll miss out, go to the contact page and ask to be notified when more news comes out    



Hello fans! Check it out! My first blog post! First off, you might think you're so BORED in quarantine, but what about us dogs??? We have to deal with what the humans started! That doesn't seem very fair to me!    
On a better note, I started buying more outfits during quarantine. Like this one.

                                                                                                                                              Well, that's the latest from me! Tune in frequently to catch up on more of my daily life! Also, if you're worried you'll miss out, go to the contact page and ask to be notified when more news comes out